The Streamline Institute encourages the use of streamlining to create more efficient and effective regulatory processes. Regulatory Streamlining does NOT mean Regulatory Abandonment. When all stakeholders work together, finding common ground and shared goals, progress forward is amplified, while at the same time costs, disconnects, confusion and frustration are minimized. See our latest reports
Regulatory Streamlining Toward Net Zero Energy
A Case Study of California’s movement toward Net Zero Energy for all new residential development by 2020, and how Streamlining can help make the path forward smoother, less disruptive, and more efficient for all stakeholders.
What does the Streamline Institute mean when it cites ‘Real Streamlining’? Its NOT about regulatory abandonment! It’s about a new paradigm which engages all stakeholders from the beginning to create more efficient and effective means toward achieving shared objectives. This short article highlights specific examples and recommendations for effective Streamlining as an integral part of the development of the regulatory environment.
Streamline Institute President Michael F. Malinowski FAIA, as President of the 11,000 member AIA California Council, is among the many California leaders and Building Officials calling for Streamlining of California’s Energy Code
Challenges of the California Energy Code