Prequalified Architectural Submittal System
Frequently Asked Questions
PASS is a collaborative process that increase the efficiency of the permit process, doesn’t change any existing roles or processes, will not increase risk or liability, and will save owners, contractors, developers, jurisdictions time and money.
1. How will this program save time and money?
By creating a clear set of voluntary document standards that allow for more efficient plan review, the participating jurisdictions will be able to do their jobs more efficiently, saving time and money. Participating design professionals will have a faster and more predictable plan review experience. The Development and Construction industry will save time and money and enjoy more consistent code interpretation and application. The community at large will benefit from increased economic development as it fosters new investment in the shaping of a high performance built environment that meets current energy, sustainability and design standards.
2. Does this program require any changes in roles and responsibilities for either the public or private sector?
No changes in roles and responsibilities for either public sector or private sector participants is required to implement this program.
3. How complex is the program?
The program is intended to be based on simple minimum requirements. Design professionals currently have a wide variety of approaches to how they prepare their documents; there will still be a wide variety of approaches for participants in the program, since complying with the minimum standards will still allow for considerable flexibility. There will for example be no requirement to adopt specific CAD standards for document sheet numbering, sheet layout, or symbols.
4. Will this program have any impact on the processes used by either jurisdictions or Design Professionals to protect the public health safety and welfare?
The program will increase the effectiveness of the plan review process due to increased efficiency, consistency and clarity, and thus it will actually increase the protection offered by both Public sector participants as well as private sector participants
5. Will the program highlight best practices for both plan review as well as document organization and content?
The jurisdictions that are participating will identify what they consider best practices for document content and organization; but these are optional practices that are aspirational and not a requirement. The intention of identifying best practices is to encourage an evolution in standards toward greater consistency and completeness over time.
6. Will there be increases in costs for plan review by participating jurisdictions?
Since this program increases efficiency, it will not result in any fee increases.
7. How might this program evolve in the future?
It is expected that this program will expand to cover many types of permits, and there may be additional modules added such as a ‘one cycle review’ option, pre-vetted standard details, and more.
8. Does this program replace any existing programs?
How this program is implemented may vary by jurisdiction, provided that adherence to the minimum standards is included in the process. It was not designed to replace or compete with any other program.
9. Who manages PASS?
PASS was developed on a consensus basis by a group of Design Professionals and Building Officials, and it included participation of their professional organizations (SVABO and AIACV). The day to day operation of PASS reviews are managed by the participating jurisdictions. The PASS Program is managed by the non-profit Streamline Institute, which also coordinates between participating jurisdictions, professionals and others.
10. Will AIACV and SVABO members receive any discount on program participation?
AIACV and SVABO members may receive credit toward their participation based on the status of their membership dues.
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