Even electronic plans in some jurisdictions require ‘wet stamp’ and wet signature before permits are
issued. This can involve separate trips to the building department by all the licensed professionals, for a long session of stamping and signing for large sets of drawings. This is a considerable cost to the private sector, that can be eliminated by acceptance by the jurisdiction of some electronic means of seal and signature on the plans.
More info on this topic here: APracticalDeploymentStrategyforDigitalSignaturesandSeals from Fiatech, an organization devoted to technology based reform in regulatory environments
Have you used electronic seal and signature? If so, has it saved time and hassle? Downsides/negatives?
One thought on “Digital Seal and Signature”
mfmalinowskiPost author
For many this is not as complex as the vendors may make it sound; attaching an image to a pdf works well for many; and there is no evidence that it is any more problematic than the old methods of wet signature or digital security as most documents can be easily altered in photo editing software at some level