Pre-Application Meetings

PreApplication meetings can result in much greater efficiency for all parties involved: Design Professionals as well as the Builidng Department.20130211_162345 (Large)


At it’s best, PreApplication Meeting bring to light issues and concerns early, and help avoid a ‘gotcha’ syndrome where issues come to light only after huge investments in time and money as plans are developed in detail.

Some locales provide this as a service at no additional cost. Some charge special fees.  Some jurisdictions do not choose to invest the ‘up front’ time, which is to the detriment of all parties when things get sticky late in the game.


Comments: what works, what doesn’t

What is important to success of a pre-app meeting?

What is a reasonable cost for pre-app meetings?

One thought on “Pre-Application Meetings”

  1. mfmalinowskiPost author
    An essential tool to build trust and smooth out the rough edges of plan review. Many jurisdictions see the savings on their end and offer this service – sometimes at no charge. A study by Charlotte/Mecklenberg County found a 25% SAVINGS in staff time when projects took advantage of the free pre-application process there. These savings more than justify the investment in providing this service.

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